Ron’s Story


Back in 1981 Ron Carr worked as a telephone technician for Telecom Australia in Brisbane. One day while at work, they had a visit from a gentleman called George Winston. George had recently formed a charity called TAD in New South Wales and was looking for members to join a team in Queensland. With Ron’s skills in metal and wood work and some spare time outside his children and netball coaching, he thought he could help. Ron’s first project was for a little 7 year old boy called Mark whose family loved camping and bush walking. Due to his condition, Spina Bifida, young Mark found walking long distances a challenge and so often his parents would carry him on family trips. However as Mark got older and heavier, this became a challenge so the family reached out to the now newly formed TADQ. Ron and another volunteer sprung into action and designed and created the perfect rickshaw wheelchair so the family could pull him along with ease.

Ron continued to volunteer at TADQ within only one small break over the next 37 years. At the age of 78 and living with his wife Faye in Caloundra, they both recall seeing many happy smiles and feeling so many special hugs from the families they have supported. Ron has made the tough decision to retire from TADQ but will always remain a life member and a loyal friend. When asking Ron why did he stay for so long his reply was “I got out of it, as much as I put in”.

We would like to take this opportunity to say the warmest thanks Ron on behalf of all the staff and volunteers at TADQ for his support and ingenious ideas and of course, for all the families that he has helped over the last 37 years.

Ron Says

“TADQ has provided me with many great opportunities to put smiles on the faces of many people, and to help them in their daily lives. I am lucky to have had this chance when TAD first came to Queensland inviting us to become volunteers. I signed up, and continued to pay my membership by Payroll deduction until I retired. I have enjoyed all my time with TADQ and the friendships I’ve made with members and clients.”