Max’s Story

Max is a 4 year old boy with a love of adventure and one of the rarest conditions in the world, Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome which affects his balance and means his muscles fatigue very quickly, particularly in his legs.
Max finds it difficult to do many of the things other children take for granted, such as running, playing on the playground and riding a bike. Due to Max’s condition, he would not have the strength in his legs to pedal a normal bike nor have the balance to sit correctly on the seat and keep his feet on the pedals and so inevitably this would be another play time activity he would have to sit out.
The family heard about the Freedom Wheels bikes through their therapist and wanted to see if this could give Max the opportunity they never thought possible. During the assessment with Max we were all nervous to see how he would go riding his very first bike. Our nerves were soon turned to joy when Max took to it like a duck to water. The stabilisers offered him extra balance support and the foot cups help guide his feet, before we knew it we were all running to try and keep up.
A delivery by Santa’s elf ensured Max woke up to a fantastic surprise on Christmas morning and now he can join in with his friends. Max absolutely loves to go really fast, but most importantly, he feels included and part of the family enjoying a day out. This is what Freedom Wheels is all about, finding a way for family and friends to all enjoy the fun of bike riding.

Mum Says

“It was very emotional, as a mother. To see your child miss out on anything breaks your heart and there will always be challenges ahead for Max, but to be provided with equipment that can help him lead as normal life as possible is wonderful. We had tears watching his little face beam with delight. I have tears now just thinking about it. As a family and on behalf of Max we couldn’t thank TADQ enough!“.