Marlena’s Story

Recumbent bike

Twenty-seven year old Marlena was super keen to get out and about on her new recumbent bike and cruise the foreshore of her hometown, the Gold Coast. However, due to Marlena’s cerebral palsy she experiences fluctuating muscle tone which meant the bike she purchased does not offer a backrest and seat that offers the safety and support she requires.

When searching for the right bike, Marlena tried many but found they were just too heavy or too high for transfer. The recumbent bike mostly suited her needs, but still was not quite right.

Loaded up with a performance car seat, she arrived at our offices to see how we could help. The old seat was removed and the new seat added and angled at 90 degrees with some improvements to the base to assist comfort. The pedal options were shortened to allow more efficiency and the steering disconnected and handlebars locked.

With a change of backrest and some modified foot cups, this recumbent bike now offers improved postural support and pedal control and the lowered seat position also makes transfers much easier.

Marlena is now all ready to cruise the coast.

Marlena Says

“After searching a long time for an appropriate bike, I found a recumbent one that would work, however the seat wasn’t quite right so we purchased a car seat that offered better hip support. Now I can easily cycle 8 to 10kms with ease.”