Nora gets her own set of wheels

We had a lovely little visitor drop in to see us, all the way from North Queensland, to have a few measurements taken for her Freedom Wheels bike!   Nora was born with congenital limb abnormalities to the right side of her body which has made learning to ride a bike extremely challenging!

With a set of sturdy outriggers, some foot cups with foot levellers and extra blocks on the right side to compensate for her shorter leg, a high riser at the back for mum to assist, the brake switched to the left hand side and a customised handlebar extension to compensate for her shorter arm and missing fingers – this little daredevil is off and away!

Check out this awesome video by  Variety – the Children’s Charity of Queensland who funded the bike and helped to make this little girl’s dream come true!!!

Click here for more information on our Freedom Wheels range